Thank you for your interest in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) and Axed Root. This page contains information to assist you in requesting a demonstration of medieval life and culture. We look forward to working with you to make your event a success! Please look over the information below, then contact our Demo Coordination Team at . They will help with putting together the perfect Medieval and Renaissance History Demonstration for your group.
Scheduling Information
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an all-volunteer organization. We share a passion for medieval life and culture, but we all have responsibilities to the world outside of our Society. We do not have a paid staff, so the people who work our demos are volunteer and may be unable to donate their time for the date or time you have chosen.
Some things to keep in mind when requesting a date or time for a demo:
- Axed Root will not confirm a demo if we cannot arrange sufficient volunteer staffing.
- A minimum of 2-3 fighters must be available for a fighting demo to occur.
- Evening demos are the easiest to confirm.
- Daytime demos, while not impossible are extremely difficult to confirm since most of our members work during the day.
- Weekends are often filled with SCA Events and Tournaments, especially during the summer “camping” and “war” season. At certain times of the year it may be very difficult to schedule a weekend (especially Saturday) demo.
- SCA Events and Tournaments further complicate scheduling. Just like a basketball player may not want to play a pickup game in the park the day before the big game, many of our fighters may not want to risk an injury that would keep them from competing in a tournament.
Demo Activity Options
Armored Fighting | Full speed, full force and un-choreographed combat. Our combatants wield weapons of Rattan sticks, a solid wood, and are armored in period based armor. See requirements for hosting a fighting demo below. |
Archery | Target archery is much like range-based archery of today. Our archers utilize medieval techniques and materials to recreate the medieval feel of archery. |
Calligraphy and Ilumination | Calligraphy is the art of writing while Illumination is the medieval art found in many books and manuscripts from the Middle Ages. In the SCA, scribes study period examples of manuscripts and other documents to recreate the look and feel of illuminated works for our award scrolls and other documents. |
Heraldry | Heralds in the SCA cover a wide range of tasks, our Vocal Heralds are the announcers and loud voices, our Book Heralds research and document names for our members and armorial devices or coats of arms. |
Equestrian | Our members frequently take part in games of skill based on period challenges and jousting techniques.See requirements for hosting an equestrian demo below |
Sewing and Costuming | The SCA requires “an attempt at pre-17th century clothing” for all events, what you wear is up to you, but our Clothiers, Seamstresses and Tailors attempt to enrich the atmosphere of our events with historically based outfits that range from simple tunics to extravagant cotehardies and gowns. |
Music and Dancing | Music and dance were an ingrained part of medieval life, even the highest of noble lords and ladies were expected to know a few instruments and how to dance. In addition to the traditional instrumental music, the bardic tradition was important for carrying news from one place to the next. |
Cooking | Many of our events include elaborate feasts with period menus and foods. The atmosphere is heightened with savory period food to consume. |
Armoring | Among the many trades recreated by our artisans and craftsmen, Armoring is extremely tough and practical. Sir Alexander, our resident armoring master will show you what it takes to make a piece of armor out of a sheet of metal! |
Medieval Gaming | Just as we do today, gaming was a popular form of entertainment, from Chess to Goose, you will learn the ropes of a medieval board game night! |
Weaving | Among the many trades recreated by our artisans and craftsmen, weaving is a beautiful and useful skill to learn. The wonderful products of weaving are often sold or traded. |
Keep checking back with us for more options or send us some ideas you would like to see.
Fighting Area Requirements
In order to ensure the safety of our combatants and the spectators, as well as produce a quality exhibition of medieval combat we have the following requirements:
- A designated fighting area, known as a list area, is required. The list area should measure at least 30 feet by 30 feet whenever possible.
- Axed Root reserves the right to cancel the fighting portion of any demo if the list area does not meet safety requirements.
Equestrian Requirements
Working with horses is a wonderful time, but does require some extra paperwork and measures of safety.
- A minimum of two month’s notice is required when requesting a demo with horses.
- Axed Root is required by our Society and state law to purchase insurance for horse events and demos, this takes at least 45 days to process and costs $50.00.
- The cost of the insurance will need to be reimbursed to Axed Root by the group requesting the demo.
- For more information, contact our Equestrian officer at .