Local Activities

Axed Root holds a variety of regularly scheduled activities which are all open to the public. For certain activities, special clothing or equipment may be required or you may require contacting the organizer ahead of time. Please refer to the specific activity information provided below for more information.

If you would like to organize an activity or take part in something that is not listed here, please contact the appropriate officer or the group Seneschal.

Also, see the Calontir Kingdom Calendar , for more activities and SCA events.

Axed Root Meetings

Populace Gathering

Axed Root holds weekly populace gatherings each Wednesday at 6:30pm. Our gatherings are generally informal, with members of the populace working on projects or chatting about the weekend’s events. While many of our members do wear garb, or medieval-style clothing, this is not required to attend one of our meetings.

Our weekly meeting location during the warmer months of the year (May-October) is typically a city park in Ames. Please contact our Seneschal () for the week’s meeting location or check the meeting schedule posted below.

Our weekly meeting locations during the colder months of the year (October-May) typically rotate among a few locations in Ames. Please contact our Seneschal () for the week’s meeting location or check the meeting schedule posted below.

Fighter Practice

The rattan and steel fighters of Axed Root gather weekly to work on their techniques. Axed Root has a collection of loaner armor and weapons available to new fighters. Please contact our Marshals to arrange for Loaner Gear to be available at a practice.

In addition to our own fighter practice, the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui in Des Moines hosts a fighter practice. For more information, visit the Barony’s Website.

Lampworkers Group

There are a number of members of Axed Root who are interested in Lampworking (working with torches to make glass beads and other glass items). For more information, email: .