2/18 Business Meeting

Hey all! It’s that time again – time for the Axed Root business meeting. Don’t be afraid to show up, we have a lot of fun discussing our ideas for the group’s direction. The meeting is open to everyone from the canton who wants to attend. Plus, there’ll be treats. I’m not sure what, yet, but something.

Here’s the agenda:

1) Officer Reports (we’ll keep it short and sweet, we don’t expect a speech from everyone.)

2) Update on the fundraiser from Clothiers

2a) Discussion on when the next fundraiser can occur.

3) Update on the Social Event of the Year/any actions we need to take.

3a) Pick one activity to start next Wednesday as prizes for the social event.

3b) Pick other activities down the road for more prizes. 4) Optional additional discussion topics

4a) Event space found for a possible A&S bid

4b) The canton’s desired role with the barony. How would we prefer interactions to occur? What do we need from the barony? Do we feel any obligations towards the barony?

4c) What (if anything) do you feel you need or would like from the canton to advance you to the next level of your SCA game?

4d) Our recruitment strategy
